Rolf P. Steinegger
Attorney at Law (University of Bern)
German, English, French
Other activities
- Clerk of the court, land register administrator, debt enforcement and bankruptcy officer of the district of Schwarzenburg Canton Bern
Legal counsel
- Swiss Touring Club
Professional biography
Member of
- Swiss Bar Association and Bar Association of the Canton of Bern
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Haftpflicht- und Versicherungsrecht
- Swiss Insurance Medicine SIM
- Association Suisse de l'Arbitrage/ASA
- Association Suisse de Droit Aérien et Spaciale/ASDA
- Association Suisse de Droit du Sport/ASDS
- Swiss Association of Police Officers, Bern City, President (1994-2015); Berne communal police authorities, Assessor (since 2015)
- International Academy of Family Lawyers/IAFL, Vice President (1994-1996), President European Chapter (1996-1998)
- International Bar Association/IBA (Sections on Legal Practice/Business Law, J,O,4,13,21; Family Law Committee, Chairman, 1987–1989)
- American Bar Association/ABA (Section on Family Law, General Practice, Tort and Insurance Practice Section)
- American Association for Justice/AAJ
- International Sports Lawyers Association/ISLA (until 2022)
- Handels- und Industrieverein des Kantons Bern
News & Milestones
by Rolf P. Steinegger
Wrongful life claim – first decision by a High Court
(Judgement of the 2nd Civil Division of the High Court of the Canton of Bern of 02.05.2011; Judgement ZK 10 569).
Commentary by Prof. Dr iur. Christoph Müller, University of Neuchâtel in the journal: “recht” 2013, issue 1, 46 ff.
To each his own trauma: medicalise society instead of self-help
Presentation paper of Rolf P. Steinegger at the 9th Freiburger Sozialrechtstagen, 06./07.09.2012, University of Fribourg.
Psychiatric patient jumps out of window - Canton liable
Commentary by Rolf P. Steinegger to the judgment of 29.12.2010.
Court issues freezing order on foreign assets in a marital dispute
By Rolf P. Steinegger